Huawei Health Lab to Understand How Wearable Tech Can Impact Health

The Huawei Health Lab opened its third facility in Helsinki, Finland in October.

Joining the other Huawei labs in China, the European lab boasts an 11,000-square-foot facility that tests Huwaei’s fitness and sports wearable algorithm products under 20 different sporting simulators.

The lab's goal is to better understand how wearable technology can impact health, fitness, and wellness habits.

Preformed by athletes, the sporting simulators include two types of treadmills, instrumental and multifunctional, which feature wheelchair racing, running, and cycling up to 50km/h (31mph), a jet-equipped counter-current temperature changing pool with a 12,000 cubic foot rate per hour, and a ski simulation which features a makeshift slope.

There is also a gym space for cardio workouts.

These various simulations will aid researchers in analyzing over 200 biomechanical and physiological indicators.

At the center of the research is the Huawei Watch GT 4 as it is able to synthesize data including running ability, overall fitness performance, and cardiopulmonary capacity, and provide targeted training options.

Rico Zhang, president of Huawei Consumer BG said in the South China Morning Post, “We are relentlessly committed to openness and collaboration, and working with partners to conduct in-depth research on eight key physiological systems, to help users better manage their health.”


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