Press Releases & Product News

Interested in seeing your press release or product news featured on Lab Design News? Submit a press release using the form below for our editorial team to review.

*Submitting a press release does not guarantee publication. All press releases are reviewed by our team prior to publishing.

Press Release Requirements:

To be considered for publication, a press release needs to meet the following guidelines:

  • For online publication, word count can range from 800-1400 words

  • US English should be used (preferably in Chicago Manual of Style)

  • High-resolution images can also be submitted (optional). Please provide captions and credit for any submitted images.

  • Articles should be written by the writer without the use of AI software.

  • No backlinks to external pages (other than important references) will be included. Please reference authentic and reliable sources when necessary. Examples include peer-reviewed journals or impartial news outlets. References may be hyperlinked, placed at the end of the article in a numbered list, or a combination of these methods. Please use AMA format for reference lists.

  • Author should include a brief bio including their title and email address.

Click here to submit a press release.